COLCHESTER United academy chiefs have already set their sights on providing Danny and Nicky Cowley with the next batch of talented youngsters for the first team.

The U’s had a number of under-21 players step up to senior level this season, with the likes of Samson Tovide, Bradley Ihionvien and Chay Cooper all featuring in League Two for the club.

Colchester released a large number of young players at the end of the season, with established Professional Development League players such as Gene Kennedy, Donell Thomas, Kaan Bennett and Harry Beadle all departing.

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The likes of Oscar Thorn, Frankie Terry and Hakeem Sandah will all be looking to make a breakthrough next season and follow in the footsteps of Tovide and Ihionvien by playing in the EFL, for the U’s.

Colchester under-21 boss Liam Bailey says the club’s young players must be able to adopt a winning mentality when they are given a first-team opportunity.

He said: “People look at results and there’s a lot of (under-21) games that we lost, at the beginning of the season.

“At that point, we had a lot of players in and around the first team, which is our job.


“The likes of Jayden Fevrier, Samson Tovide, Brad Ihionvien established themselves in the squad and that’s what our job is about.

“That’s a big plus for us but we’re onto the next batch now and trying to get the next ones ready for the management team.

“This club has suffered a little bit last couple of years and we need to produce some players and help the team get wins.

“It’s about the learning and what we want to try and create here is players who can go into the first team where it is all about winning, so they have to have that feeling and knowhow of how to win games.”

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Long-serving U’s academy coach Bailey says he is enjoying working with Danny and Nicky Cowley, following their arrival in January.

The former Maldon and Tiptree boss says he is learning every day from the experience managerial duo.

“Working with all the managers this season, it’s always great to see how first-team managers work and they’re all slightly different,” added Bailey.

“There’s a good buzz and I think you see that on a match day.

“Hopefully, it’s onwards and upwards now and you’re learning every day when you’re working with two people with their experience.”