A WOMAN was taken to hospital after a collision at an “accident blackspot” in Colchester sparking fresh calls for action.

Paramedics were called to the Berechurch Road junction with Nancy Smith Close, near Mersea Road, at about 12.15pm on Tuesday.

They found a woman had suffered minor injuries and transported her to Colchester Hospital for further assessment and care.

Police officers were called to the scene and closed Berechurch Road at the junction to allow highway workers to clear the debris.

Gazette: Call for improvement - Berechurch councillor Martyn Warnes at the collision siteCall for improvement - Berechurch councillor Martyn Warnes at the collision site (Image: Newsquest)

An eyewitness said he saw two vehicles left damaged “across the road” at 12.25pm.

The collision has sparked concern from Berechurch councillor Martyn Warnes, who branded the area surrounding the traffic lights in Mersea Road an “accident blackspot”.

He said: “I'm saddened to learn of another road traffic accident along the Berechurch Road.

“I will try to find out what the cause was and revisit the case for additional traffic measures along this road which is an accident blackspot within the ward.

Gazette: Accident blackspot - the collision took place at Berechurch Road's junction with Nancy Smith CloseAccident blackspot - the collision took place at Berechurch Road's junction with Nancy Smith Close (Image: Google)

“As the population of the city grows, then so is the amount of vehicles using our roads likely to also grow.

“The section between Meyrick Crescent and the traffic lights in Mersea Road is a particularly busy section and the driver reaction times at these junction can be limited.”

Crashes in busy Berechurch Road and Mersea Road have not been uncommon over the years.

Pensioner Colin Lythgo called on drivers to cut their speed after a motorist crashed into his wall in Mersea Road in April.

Gazette: Concerned - Martyn Warnes in Berechurch RoadConcerned - Martyn Warnes in Berechurch Road (Image: Newsquest)

“Incidents like this have become a regular occurrence for my wife and I. To be honest, we are getting used to it,” he said.

“Drivers come so fast round the bend and I really do fear someone will die very soon.”

Mr Warnes said he and his ward colleagues will continue in their attempts to make the roads safer.

He added: “There have been numerous accidents over the years and some being fatal.

“Residents tell us about speeding vehicles and I've tried to set up a speed watch group but need more volunteers to be able to meet the threshold needed.

“If anyone is interested please do get in touch.”