OUTDOOR sport is back and a group of fitness fans have been enjoying bootcamp sessions in the fresh air.

Lisa-Maria Kirwan, who runs THISFITCREW Bootcamps welcomed backed her members over the weekend for the first time since the third lockdown.

Lisa has taken to posting free daily workouts on her This Fit Mum page on Instagram and YouTube to keep people motivated.

Gazette: Back - The THISFITCREW Bootcamps began again at the weekend. Picture: Tiia WestBack - The THISFITCREW Bootcamps began again at the weekend. Picture: Tiia West

She said it was great to finally be back and seeing people in person.

“We had and still have an amazing online community but is was so lovely to see some of the crew and their children in the flesh and feel a bit of normality seeing people again,” she said.

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Gazette: Back - The THISFITCREW Bootcamps began again at the weekend. Picture: Tiia WestBack - The THISFITCREW Bootcamps began again at the weekend. Picture: Tiia West

“We are a community of all abilities, ages and shape.”

When rules were relaxed last week it meant people can can take part in formally organised outdoor sports or licensed physical activity with any number of people.

Gazette: Back - The THISFITCREW Bootcamps began again at the weekend. Picture: Tiia WestBack - The THISFITCREW Bootcamps began again at the weekend. Picture: Tiia West

Outdoor sport and leisure facilities are also open but for now indoor gyms and other sports facilities, including changing rooms, will remain closed.

Visit facebook.com/thisfitmum.