A BRAVE widow faced up to three intruders who forced their way into her home.

Mary Davis, 81, was injured by one of the crooks, who grabbed her wrist as she tried to open a window to call for help.

After she shouted at them, the three changed their story, telling her they were delivering a washing machine, but were in the wrong house, and quickly left.

She said: “They didn’t get my bank cards or passport – all they took was about £10 from my purse.

“It was harrowing and I haven’t really eaten since. It was terribly scary, but I didn’t break down and shouted at them instead.

“I dread to think what would have happened if they had done it to someone feeble – it could finish them off.”

The retired nurse had just returned to her home in Salvia Close, Clacton, at about 2pm on Monday when a man claiming to be delivering a parcel knocked on the door.

As she opened the door, two other men rushed past her and started searching the house.

Mrs Davis said: “They thundered up the stairs, so I followed after them. In hindsight, I should have got out and locked them in.

“They went into the bedroom and kept asking where the leak was, but I knew there wasn’t one.

“Then they asked me to come into the kitchen to show me something, but I said I wouldn’t go in there so they couldn’t shut me in, as I realised they were up to no good.

“I asked who they were, but they wouldn’t answer and they had no markings on their clothing.

“I got to the window to call out for help, but one of them grabbed me by the wrist.

“I sat down by the phone and picked it up, but he pulled it out of my hand.”

Shortly afterwards, the men, who were white and wearing dark clothing with no identifiable marks, made their excuses and left.

One of them was much taller than the others.

Mrs Davis said she was shaken, but remained strong.

She added: “It has affected me, but I haven’t cried yet. I didn’t think I would be able to sleep.

“You don’t expect this sort of thing to happen during the day. I’m just grateful I wasn’t attacked or seriously hurt.”

Anyone with information should call Clacton police station on 101.