A SELF-PROCLAIMED preacher made homeless after being evicted for being a nuisance neighbour claims he fears for his health.

Paul Shaw, 64, has lived in his car since December 17, when bailiffs and police evicted him from his flat in Duffield Drive, Colchester.

Landlord Colchester Borough Homes obtained the eviction order after neighbours complained of Mr Shaw’s loud singing and music. Mr Shaw also told neighbours not to use lights, showers and other equipment, claiming they gave him electric shocks.

Since the eviction, Mr Shaw has been unable to find accommodation and is not entitled to emergency shelter from the council, because he is classed as intentionally homeless.

Mr Shaw said: “I am in an impossible situation. I am homeless, but can’t find a home through the council and can’t get private accommodation as I need guarantors.

“My life is at risk and there must be others in the same situation.

“At least twice I have almost died because of the cold. I can’t sleep and it leaves my heart pounding.

“The sentence for putting someone out of their home is indefinite. If I had been given a prison sentence, a fine or warning, I would not have been put in this situation, where my life is in danger.

“It is like being tortured. To be put on to the streets, where you are suffering is terrible. If you committed any other offence it would be clear what the penalty is.”

A friend of a former neighbour of Mr Shaw’s said she sympathised with Mr Shaw’s plight, but insisted he brought it upon himself. Jackie White supported Ken Woods, who said he suffered for 15 years at the hands of Mr Shaw.

Mrs White said: “It was his choice to stay and cause more and more grief. He brought it upon himself.

“I don’t like to see what has happened and I felt sorry for him.

“But everyone there is a lot happier now and the place is a lot quieter and more peaceful.

“Ken is a lot happier in himself and can sleep at night.”