I write in response to a letter from Bob Curry (November 8) with regard to the recent Parliamentary vote on an EU referendum.

I respect his loyalty, jumping to the defence of the MP for Colchester.

But, whatever way you look at this situation, the Lib Dems promised the British people a referendum on EU membership.

Then our Lib Dem MP voted against exactly that in Parliament.

Mr Curry talks of priorities.

Why, if our MP’s priorities were the economy, jobs, growth and the NHS, did he support and vote for a referendum earlier this year that very few members of the public wanted, to change our voting system?

Not only did the AV referendum cost about £80million, the result clearly showed it was not wanted.

Why is it the Lib Dems kept to their manifesto commitment on a change of voting system, but failed to keep their promise on a referendum on our membership of the EU?

Will Quince
Prettygate Road

...Bob Curry still doesn’t get it. He makes a spirited, if desperate, case for EU membership, but it’s not just about your views Bob.

The EU should call a referendum of all EU countries.

The Brussells brigade needs a mandate, and the weakness in its case is that it absolutely refuses to consult the people.

In the Republic of Ireland, it just kept bullying until its result was achieved!

The EU has a barely presentable case to stay in existence, and is a dead ideal of what democracy should be.

At least, in Bob Curry’s case, this crumbling idea has one supporter.

Collin Rossini
Onley Cottage