So now we all know the end game at Colchester Council. It is, as suspected, the big sell-off.

Get rid of Joyce Brooks House and Abbeygate House – and let’s chuck in Tymperleys for good measure – and in doing so our elected representatives are quite prepared to sell their voters and tenants alike down the river.

The democracy that was hard won is to be ignored for the sake of political convenience.

That is what it seems to me, for having been caught with their pants down, our politicians – in their haste to put things right – are, through letters to these pages, attempting to come up with all sorts of fudges, excuses and patronising offers of help, hoping to ease the pain.

At this time of year, and especially as we approach the 11th hour of the 11th day, I am simply appalled by the semantics of our councillors, who I am sure will be wearing the red poppy.

To them, I cry: Shame on you all!

Tony Ashby
Hedge Drive

...I cannot believe what I have just read on the front page of the Gazette (November 8).

Tymperleys to be sold, and possibly to become a wine bar/hotel, which I would have thought was the last thing Colchester needed!

What a betrayal of Bernard Mason, and the people of Colchester. If we can find money for Firstsite, surely we can find funds to keep this beautiful and tranquil haven in the midst of town for the purpose that was intended, and which is also a part of Colchester’s heritage – something that is rapidly disappearing from Britain’s oldest recorded town.

Sandra Rae
Oyster Close
West Mersea

...At Colchester town hall on October 12, the leader of the council apologised to sheltered accommodation residents for the council’s poor communication regarding informing them of the closure of Joyce Brooks House, and stated that lessons had been learned.

What were those lessons, I ask you, when, at the First opportunity to show us your new communication skills, you release the news that you have given the go-ahead to market Joyce Brooks House and Abbeygate House through a press release?

We are told, through the press, that it will all happen within the year.

Not even a late arrival letter this time. Yet again we have been treated with contempt.

How can we believe that you will treat us sympathetically when at every stage of this horrible affair you ignore our feelings?

When does co-operation and information begin?

We are now awaiting notice of when we will know our fate – in a press release!

Joy Eustace
Joyce Brooks House resident (for now)
Oxford Road