I must clear up some of the misinformation and factual inaccuracies put out by Norman Bailey in his letter (November 7) about sheltered accommodation.

The joint administration at Colchester Council has never claimed every tenant in every sheltered scheme was consulted over the sheltered housing review.

The representative body which was consulted was the Sheltered Housing Tenants’ Forum, which speaks on behalf of all sheltered tenants in the schemes owned by the council and managed by Colchester Borough Homes.

It was made quite clear to all councillors from all parties (and in the cabinet report) the forum had given support to the plans.

Conservative councillors had a number of opportunities to question and examine the report which came from the review and councillor Sonia Lewis took up this offer and was given a comprehensive briefing by officers.

It is a shame Sonia was the only Tory councillor who took up the offer to attend a presentation on the review on September 5, where any of them could have asked questions and challenged the proposals, but they obviously had better things to do that evening.

They have not been given “incorrect information”

and they haven’t called in the decision, so it stands, and we now need to move on and assist the residents in finding their preferred alternative accommodation.

I am heartened councillor Lewis is offering to join us to support the residents through these difficult and emotional times.

Mr Bailey is also wrong to claim we need more sheltered housing – our records show demand for places in our schemes is falling, not rising, so it is vital the quality of accommodation we do offer is of a very high standard. It’s the least our elderly tenants deserve.

Tim Young
Portfolio holder for housing
Labour group leader
Colchester Council