FAST-FINGERED fruit pickers scooped up more than 350kgs of strawberries in an annual race.

Participants gathered the Little Scarlet strawberries during the hour-long Tiptree Strawberry Race, which this year was held at Bounds Farm, Goldhanger.

Around 130 pickers, most of whom work for Tiptree jam-maker Wilkin & Sons, braved the pouring rain to grab the fruit and raise around £1,000 for Tiptree Pre-school in the process.

Director Chris Newenham said: “This is the eighth race we have run to raise money for local and national charities and it is a great opportunity for all the pickers to compete to be the best picker in their category.

“Unfortunately, the overall crop is less than usual this year because the severe frosts in the winter damaged the plants.”

This year’s winners included fastest picker Stefan Solakov, who collected 5.44 kgs, and Joyce Thomas, who won the traditional best hat category.

Wilkin & Sons donates money for every kilo of strawberries picked.