REAL ale lovers are raising a glass to a new scheme supporting rural pubs.

The idea of Real Ale Runabouts is to ferry people out to watering holes not easily accessible without a car, and give the pubs a boost in the current economic climate.

Colchester and North East Essex’s branch of the Campaign for Real Ale has compiled the series of monthly tours and the first, which completely sold out, was on Thursday.

It left Osborne Street in Colchester and went to the Donkey and Buskins and Layer Fox, both in Layer de le Haye, and the Hare and Hounds, in Layer Breton.

John Durrant, of Colchester Camra, said: “It’s great there has been so much interest in the first of what we hope will be a successful summer of Real Ale Runabouts.”

Over the summer period, the minibus will visit 22 villages.

The 16-seat bus will wait for an hour at each of the pubs before taking drinkers on to the next one.

The scheme was given £500 funding by the Rural Community Council of Essex, which came up with the idea.

Colchester Community Voluntary Services, which runs Colchester Community Transport, is providing the bus.

Danny Douglas, from the community council, said: “These services show what can be done with a small amount of money and joint working between charities.”

The tours will pick up and drop off outside Gala Bingo in Osborne Street, usually at 7pm.

The next Real Ale Runabout will be on June 9.

Places on the bus must be booked in advance and cost £5. Call John Tweed on 07914 208620 or e-mail bus.ale@