All ministers have stayed completely on message, persistently blaming Labour for inheriting an economic mess.

The coalition’s case is that Labour behaved like the pools winners of yesteryear showering money like confetti.

Interestingly, the Tories on Essex County Council spent the last 13 years claiming the Government was not giving them enough money.

I will be interested to see what they say now.

If Labour’s spending was so out of control, why did the Tories promise to match our spending plans pound for pound until November 2008?

Why didn’t Osborne and Cameron protest about spending levels then?

Like their colleagues on Essex County Council, they were saying we were not spending enough, especially on defence.

Until September 2008, the debt level was manageably low.

The Budget of 2007 estimated Britain’s structural deficit at three per cent of gross domestic product.

This has risen to eight per cent as a result of dealing with the banking crisis and subsequent slump.

The position was sound until the crash struck.

Gordon Brown’s approach was copied the world over and many believe his plan rescued the global financial system.

Lots of countries, from the US to Japan, have deficits to deal with.

Are these all Labour’s fault too?

Julie Young
County councillor
St Andrew’s ward
Mascot Square