I would like to thank the staff at the Stanway School for helping my son overcome his anxieties.

My son suffers from separation anxiety disorder, which causes extreme anxiety attacks and stress for the individual when being introduced to new environments or in places without familiar faces.

My son first had these attacks at the age of nine, when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

I’m pleased to say, with the support from his teachers at primary school and counselling, he was able to overcome any fears he had and be able to attend school as a happy, carefree child.

However, these anxiety attacks came back with a vengeance when he had to start secondary school.

He would be so anxious we couldn’t even get him dressed in the morning. He would not eat or sleep, he would just cry and fear every minute of a school day. Even weekends became anxious ones, as he could no longer relax.

Every day was an everincreasing battle, with the anxiety becoming more entrenched. I transferred my son to the Stanway School as he had friends there and I felt the school he was attending did not understand his condition.

The plan of action put into place by Stanway was invaluable. I would like to thank Mr Bland and Mrs Abbott for the care and support they have shown towards my son, which has enabled him to overcome his fears at a pace he can cope with.

Having teachers who think ouside the box and care for children in areas other than education has enhanced my son's confidence and wellbeing.

Without this support, my son’s health would have deteriorated and his future would certainly have been affected.

He is currently expressing how he is looking forward to sixth-form college.

He now knows that he can overcome these anxities, if he has the people around him who understand.

Thank you, Stanway School.

Emma Birkbeck
Philbrick Close