Of course, we can expect pointless cheap shots in the press at every opportunity from Tory councillor come comedian Kevin Bentley about just about anything he can remotely criticise.

However, thanks to the incompetence of his Tory team, the Colchester Tories signed Colchester taxpayers up to “unlimted over-runs on the Vaf ”, now called Firstsite, which has now cost us all millions of pounds locally.

It was, of course, the same team who in the local May elections were peddling that Colchester is full and tried to dupe the people of Mile End that the local Tories were against building thousands of homes on greenfields in Mile End, only days after the election to show their true colours and publicly contradict themselves in the press and letters pages.

Clearly, as an Essex cycling guru, Kevin Bentley should get on his bike, rather than push it everywhere, and practise what he preaches, rather than appear in every photo opportunity with his bike.

Of course, challenge is always needed, but get your own house in order before you throw stones and attempt poor comedic lines.

Martin Goss
Dickenson Road