The Friends of Colchester Museums has been actively supporting Colchester’s museums for more than 60 years and our membership currently stands at about 1,400 individuals.

Our core activity is to assist with new acquisitions, mainly by purchase, but often by donation or bequest.

The late Bernard Mason was our treasurer for many years from the outset.

Tymperleys and the clock collection were left in trust by Bernard Mason to the people of Colchester. In accepting this remarkably generous bequest, Colchester Council undertook to act as trustees, ensuring their proper museum care and availability to the public, who see them as important elements of our common Heritage.

They are, therefore, invaluable cultural assets for present and future generations to enjoy, not potentially disposable council property, which can be sold off or dispersed at will for short-term financial gain.

The sale or long-term lease of Tymperleys and the dispersal of the clocks, as proposed, would undermine public trust in the council’s credibility as the main guardian of Colchester’s rich and significant heritage.

This action would put in question the council’s commitment and sincerity in making the most of our cultural heritage, bearing in mind for example its recent expression of support for the Unesco World Heritage Status bid.

The effect on potential donors of future bequests of whatever size would be devastating. Who would trust the council?

In the wider context of gaining sustainable public advantage from our cultural assets with carefully thought-out, integrated plans for the future, these proposals make little or no sense.

We appreciate the restraints under which the council has to operate in the present financial climate and urge councillors to review these proposals and enter into consultation on an equitable solution for both Tymperleys and the clock museum.

Mark Davies
Friends of Colchester
Oxley Parker Drive