CUTTING the number of councillors and flattening the Firstsite arts centre were two of the ideas to come out of a survey of Colchester residents.

A total of 284 people responded to Colchester Council’s new consultation, called Your council, your budget, in the week after it was issued.

With public sector cuts on the way, the questionnaire asked what council services are most important to residents and which are not.

Those taking part were also asked to come up with suggestions, some of which Paul Smith, councillor responsible for resouces, said were worth looking into, while others were not.

He said: “Some people have really come up with detailed suggestions as to what the council can do.

“One suggestion was that we should use the Army to flatten Firstsite. There’s also been a suggestion we could reduce the number of councillors.

“That’s certainly something we will look at. It would need the Boundary Commission to approve it, but it’s something we will consider.

“There were some suggestions on where we can share services, which we need to investigate too.”

So far one of the most vital services, according to participants, has been recycling, while the mayoral functions have been less popular.

Mr Smith said the survey also revealed misconceptions, including staff get bonuses, have a canteen and can use car parks for free.

The consultation runs until October 4. Visit colchester