Councillor Sue Lissimore, of Prettygate, is to be commended for her proposal to have drunks clean up their mess (Gazette, September 7). But why has it taken so long?

Councillor Martin Hunt was recently telling us it costs £3,500 a day to clean up the mess, but this is the first time the public have had an indication that Colchester Council may even consider taking some action.

We know Colchester Council has mooted the idea of punitive action against pub and bar owners.

But just how does Colchester Council propose to link the vomit and urine with the drunk, and just where they have been consuming excessive alcohol?

There may be irresponsible bar owners. Then identify them and take action. But action should not be collective against all, especially responsible bar owners.

If Colchester Council wants to take action at source, then limit consumption of alcohol by closing bars and clubs at 11pm. They can stay open for food and coffee later if they wish.

The problem lies with the individuals in a group who have the British mindset that getting legless is something they have to do to fit in with their peer group.

If the council, police, magistrates, NHS and licensees act collectively and implement a planned and cohesive policy that excessive drinking will be robustly tackled in Colchester, in a fair but determined manner, then the idea that drunken behaviour will not be tolerated will become understood.

If you do offend, then you will be made to pay financially for damage, have to clean up and pay for medical treatment and for the time of police and emergency services.

Allan Hewitt
Bluebell Way