COLCHESTER’S Tories have called on the council to review its policies to save a vital business agreement.

The Essex Federation of Small Businesses has signalled it could pull out of an accord it signed with Colchester Council after accusing bosses of being “heavy-handed”.

Its issues include the council’s stance on fining shops that hand out leaflets, problems over parking, and a crackdown on businesses putting up signs to their premises.

Now the Conservatives have voiced fears businesses and jobs could be put at risk by the Lib Dem, Labour and independent coalition running the council.

Sue Lissimore, shadow councillor responsible for business, said it would be “horrifying” if the council lost the Small Business Accord with the federation.

She added: “Businesses have a fight on their hands to survive in the current economic situation and we need organisations like Colchester Council to do all it can to help.

“I am bitterly disappointed the federation may withdraw its accord with the council because of its anti-business initiatives.”

The Tories are calling on the coalition to review its policies to “ensure businesses are given every opportunity to thrive and survive”.

Last week, the council’s deputy leader, Martin Hunt, hit back, accusing the federation of being political and criticising the group for not contacting the council with its concerns.

Iain Wicks, chairman of the north-east Essex branch of the federation, said he would be contacting council bosses soon.

He added: “All of the people involved with the federation run their own businesses.

“We will be in touch with them in due course, but what we’re waiting for is some common sense to come out of the council.”

The accord is a commitment between business groups and the public sector to work together for the benefit of the local economy.