A SOAP star could join a shoal of fishing celebrities at the first fundraising event in memory of a Colchester schoolgirl who died aged 12.

Jodi O’Rahilly, from the St Anne’s area, died this year after an 18-month battle with severe aplastic anaemia.

Her stepdad Dominic Morgan vowed to raise as much money as possible in memory of the former Willow Brook Primary and St Helena School pupil.

Mr Morgan will host the Big Fish at Suffolk Water Park, in Ipswich, on Saturday, July 31. He hopes it will become the biggest charity angling event in the country in the next few years.

EastEnders star Scott Maslen, who plays Jack Branning, says he hopes to make an appearance, along with fishing celebrities Bob Nudd, Wendy Lythgoe, John Wilson, Adam Penning and Dave Lane.

The day will include competitions for serious anglers and a host of attractions, including martial arts and falconry displays, a laser clay pigeon shoot, live music and a rollercoaster simulator.

The cash will go to the Sick Children’s Trust, which runs a home called Acorn House at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, where Jodi’s family stayed free of charge during her final days.

Mr Morgan said: “As part of my fundraising as family ambassador for the Sick Children’s Trust, I am organising this ambitious event in the memory of my beautiful 12-year-old daughter.

“This amazing charity helped my family in many ways and this is our way of putting something back.”

“The Big Fish is my pilot event to create a strong brand that will grow over the next few years – aimed at establishing itself as the foremost charity angling event in the country by 2012.

“Scott Maslen is a big carp fisherman and said he will try his utmost to get here.

“He is filming EastEnders but if his schedule finishes early, he should be able to make it.”

For more information about the event visit www.thebigfish.tv or for news on future fundraising events and about Jodi, visit www.jodisworld.tv