PATROLS have been stepped up at public toilets in Colchester after they appeared on a website highlighting places for gay men to meet.

The website lists the best times to visit, how frequently police, security guards or cleaners are due to visit and the type of people who go there.

Toilets at Essex University, Castle Park, St Mary’s car park and Culver Square have been added to the list.

Martin Hunt, responsible for street services at Colchester Council, said he would not hesitate to close public toilets if they were being abused.

He added: “The council is naturally concerned about this information published on the internet.

“We are already in discussions with the street wardens and street care team to launch an investigation.

“No incidents of this nature or complaints about the public toilets have been received by the council. However, I would urge residents with any concerns to speak directly to us or to the police.”

Derek Ashby, Culver Square manager, said he would also have no issue with closing the toilets in the shopping mall if the problem escalated.

He added: “I will step up the presence at the toilets with cleaners and security, but we will look to the police and street wardens to take action to tackle the problem.”

Vicky Passingham, Essex University spokeswoman, said its security had been informed and the matter was being investigated.

Chief Insp Andy Fusher, of Colchester police, said he would ensure the locations were included in patrol routes. He added: “We will also work with groups, such as Action for Men, to ensure the health and safety of everyone in Colchester and to reduce antisocial behaviour and crime.”