A HEADTEACHER who spent four years working towards specialist status for his school has been told it will not be possible, because of Government cuts.

Simon Mason wanted Honywood Community Science College, in Coggeshall, to become a leadership partner school.

It would have led to £60,000 of funding for three years for “sharing expertise and leadership” with other schools.

But despite meeting “deadline after deadline”, the school has been told there is no money for the specialist status.

Mr Mason, who has been headteacher at the school for eight years, said he was “fed up” after receiving the news.

He added: “It was a really miserable day when we found out.

“In a sense, everyone’s efforts have been devalued. We have earnt the option to be influential in the school system.”

The school received two consecutive “outstanding” Ofsted reports and has been a specialist science college for five years, which more than meets Government requirements for specialist school status.

Mr Mason said: “It’s quite galling after the judgment from Ofsted.”

The letter from the Department for Education said it had to scale back on discretionary schemes.

The school is considering applying for academy status as a way of getting extra funding for pupils.

It should be fast-tracked if it applies, because of the outstanding Ofsted reports.