FIREFIGHTERS have condemned arsonists who put lives at risk by setting fire to beach huts.

A beach hut in Holland-on-Sea was destroyed, a second was seriously damaged and a third suffered slight damage in the blaze in the early hours of yesterday.

Firefighters from Clacton had to pump water from the sea to put out the flames, which had already engulfed one hut and spread to another by the time crews had arrived.

Sub-officer Adrian Wallis said there was a gas cylinder at the beach huts, which could have exploded.

He said: “Anyone who does this has to realise when we turn up and put these out there are gas cylinders in some of these.

“We have to fight the fire knowing there is a gas cylinder that could blow up. It is extremely dangerous.”

Two crews were sent to the huts, on the Esplanade towards Holland Haven, at 5.33am. The fire is being treated as arson.

Police said they are investigating the fire along with a report of an attempted break-in after the door and roof of a nearby beach hut was damaged.

Debbie Chisholm, Essex Police spokesman, said: “The person responsible for starting this fire is extremely irresponsible. Not only have they caused the complete destruction of the huts, but they put their lives, as well as the lives of the emergency services, at risk.

“It is very dangerous and could have serious consequences.”

Anyone with information about the incident can call Sgt Pete Gerard on 0300 3334444.