I agree with Simon Collyer (Letters, May 12) on his congratulations to Bob Russell for retaining his Colchester seat.

However, instead of “rivals” giving their view of the election coverage (that is now history), I suggest we need to consider the new, current situation presented to us by the Conservative and Lib Dem coalition.

We now have a Conservative Prime Minister and a Lib Dem Deputy Prime Minister forming a coalition Government.

Both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister have jointly committed their Government to fairness and responsibility for all the people of the UK and accountability by MPs, and politicians, whereby politicians are there to serve the public first.

We are told we now have “a radical and reforming coalition Government to put real power into the hands of the people – forever”.

I think to us, the “Great Ignored”, this is a welcome change from our previous situation, where we have been completely ignored by local government and, especially, by Essex County Council.

Therefore, can we, the public, have published commitments in the press, from every local politician/ councillor, both on Colchester Council and Essex County Council, that you all fully accept and will abide by the Prime Minister’s and the Deputy Prime Minister’s pledges that you are in post to serve us, the public, first?

Furthermore, that we, the public, will be fully consulted and never committed to any financial undertaking/ liability without our public consultation and agreement; and, if this is not given, you will accept total personal responsibility for all actions you take without our, the public’s, consent.

Also, that where any responsible member of the public wishes to express their concerns to the council in any matter in regard to public interests/financial liability, they will be given a fair and unrestricted public hearing, and that a correct and proper record of that hearing will be made and published, and the councillors responsible will have their responses recorded.

Any councillor who cannot give and abide by this commitment should step down from their position as a public representative.

Furthermore, if you, as a politician, cannot or will not give us a public commitment, then we have the right to assume you do not accept you are in post to put the interests of the public first.

In that event, then we have the right to make a complaint to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister that you do not accept the coalition Government policy and request you be removed from office.

We will expect all councillors to make their commitment to serve the public first, as per your political parties’ pledge, through the medium of Gazette letters.

The public look forward to your response.

Allan Hewitt
Bluebell Way