NEIGHBOURS are fighting plans to allow outdoor worship at a mosque.

Councillors are being recommended to allow Colchester Islamic Cultural Association’s 250 members to hold prayers in the garden of its Priory Street mosque.

But next-door neighbours David Nicholas and Teresa Whiting fear hundreds of worshippers crammed into the narrow garden could disturb their peace and quiet.

The mosque has been created from two houses, in a terrace which also includes the couple’s home.

Mrs Whiting said the mosque’s fast-expanding congregation had already used the garden and she had found the presence of worshippers intrusive.

The couple are particularly worried permission is being sought to use the garden for outdoor ceremonies, including funerals.

The association says coffins would be covered when taken outside during ceremonies, but Mrs Whiting said the experience might still be upsetting for her nine-year-old daughter Amelia.

She said: “We have nothing against the people at all, but we are talking about terraced houses with gardens of 50ft by about 12ft.

“It is not appropriate to be regularly having large gatherings in that kind of building.

“We overlook it from our house and it is just not what you expect in a residential area.”

Chowdury Marmut, of the Islamic association, said its outdoor ceremonies did not cause any disturbance.

He explained: “We use the garden once for silent prayer on Fridays, and twice a year during the Eid festival. There is never any noise and, although we have asked for permission to have funerals, we have only had two in 20 years.”

Colchester Council’s planning committee is to discuss the application tomorrow, and is being recommended to approve the application, on condition the outdoor prayer area is clearly marked out and screened with plants.