As a resident of the Westlands estate in Colchester for more than 30 years, may I congratulate those responsible for constructing the new country park, off James Carter Road.

How we would have loved it years ago when our children were young.

Not wishing to sound grumpy or cynical, which I do happen to be, I clearly observe every day a disaster waiting to happen.

James Carter Road is long and straight and many people exceed the speed limit anyway.

During school holidays and weekends, visitors to the park have no option but to park on the main highway near the gate.

Far too often these vehicles are double parked with residents’ vehicles. This already narrow road now becomes a chicane.

Couple this with the fact the park entrance is opposite a junction, and you have a succession of nearmisses all day long. I know, I’ve had a few already.

The thought of young mums trying to control excited children on the pavement while attempting to put a pushchair together, or unsupervised kids crossing the road on their bikes, worries me considerably.

Now, before someone from the council with a yellow paint fetish starts drawing lines all over the place – this would be very unfair to residents, as I believe that this would simply move the problem to the side roads – surely cutting a hole in the fence and laying some gravel inside the boundary would not cost much.

I would rather tackle the health and safety brigade inside the fence than on the road.

Perhaps plans are already in place. If so, brilliant.

I would hate to think the powers that be are waiting for an incident to occur before they react.

Do not forget the school summer holidays are coming soon, we do not need anything too elaborate.

I have never bothered to write this type of letter before on any topic, but at least now if I pick up the Gazette one evening and read about a tragedy in James Carter Road, I can at least say I tried.

Chris Cole
Twining Road