I have drawn the Gazette’s coverage (April 6) of the concerns expressed by Essex Coroner, Dr Peter Dean, over the way the coroner’s service has been run since Essex County Council took over from the police two years ago to the attention of the Secretary of State for Justice, Jack Straw.

I have sent Mr Straw the news report and also the Gazette Comment, which was critical of the service since it was taken over by the county council, with reference to how “the standards of the service have slumped”.

I told Mr Straw, in a covering letter: “I would be most grateful if you could please investigate the serious concerns, which have been made by Essex Coroner, Dr Peter Dean.

“He also covers Suffolk, with whose county council he said he has not experienced any problems.”

I also told Mr Straw the report about the decline in service following the transfer from the police to Essex County Council “would appear to be yet a further example of the competence and level of ‘service’ which the county council provides in numerous areas.”

Bob Russell
MP for Colchester
Magdalen Hall
Wimpole Road

...Every citizen in Essex should be alarmed by the comments of Dr Peter Dean, Essex Coroner, about the problems he has had since Essex County Council took over the management of his vital service.

Anyone who has experience of the coroner’s office will know of the complete professionalism, understanding, compassion and care that is required in providing this service.

Families should not have to experience delays or viewing problems at such a sensitive time.

If councillor John Jowers can only comment he wants to cut the coat according to the cloth at Essex County Council, then this only demonstrates how completely out of touch county councillors are with reality.

If Mr Jowers wants to cut his cloth at County Hall, why not start with the grandiose salaries paid to the chief executive and the 28 senior managers paid more than £100,000 per year?

I believe the problem is that in its haste to control everything in Essex, the county council has adopted the attitude it is “all powerful”

and we, the public, should touch our forelocks and be grateful. What complete arrogance!

We know, of course, what power does, and has done, in the case of other organisations that have grown too big for themselves.

We should remember the Greater London Council, which grew too big. It was also cumbersome, costly and ineffective. So it had to be dismantled.

Essex County Council is totally disregarding the needs of the people of the county and failing in providing satisfactorily a range of public services; and in the same way as the Greater London Council, it should go.

Allan Hewitt
Bluebell Way