Kirby Cross's oldest villager has been celebrating her 105th birthday.

Happy birthday - 105-year-old Ethel Wood celebrates her birthday with Iris Johnson, mayor of Frinton and Walton. Picture: TERRY WEEDEN (47219-3)

Ethel Wood still lives in her own home and spent her special day getting visitors, including Frinton and Walton mayor Iris Johnson.

Miss Wood was raised in Guernsey where she lived through the German wartime occupation. She later moved to Clacton and has lived in Kirby Cross for more than 40 years.

Mrs Johnson said: "She was absolutely marvellous. She was also a great artist.

"There were pictures on the wall and they were absolutely marvellous but she had to give it up when she was about 100 after her eyesight started failing."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Tuesday, January 17, 2006

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