Rail bosses will personally intervene to make sure facilities on trains are up to scratch.

Dominic Booth, acting managing director for One Rail, made the promise at a public forum.

The meeting, chaired by MPs Bernard Jenkin and Tim Yeo, saw commuters raise concerns about their service.

Mr Booth said he was determined to sort out some of the biggest problems found on trains.

"We certainly think the presentation of the coaches is fine," he said.

"We're a little disappointed with some of the internal engineering of them - the sliding doors, heating and air conditioning. We're very unhappy with the reliability of the on-train kit.

"I will look at it directly and try to make sure it's as robust as it can be."

Mr Booth added meetings were due to ensure air conditioning systems would be reliable this summer.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Monday, January 16, 2006

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