A rescue operation was launched by emergency services after a deer was spotted in the sea off Clacton.

Recovering - the deer is examined by Rosie Catford, of Wildlives animal centre, Thorrington, and vet Ana Lapaz after its ordeal. Picture: TERRY WEEDEN (45885-1)

Clacton Coastguard, police officers, RSPCA officers and Walton Backwaters warden Leon Woodrow were all alerted after the animal was sighted by a man walking his dog.

It took more than an hour to locate the adult muntjac and get it out of the water.

Steve Moffatt, Clacton Coastguard sector manager, said it was a tricky operation as they were unable to find the deer at first.

Mr Moffatt said the deer was frozen and didn't put up a struggle.

The deer had been sighted at about 8.30am yesterday and was taken to Wildlives rehabilitation and rescue centre just after 10am.

Rosie Catford, who runs Wildlives, said the muntjac was immediately put in a stable with infra-red lights to warm it up. She said it was hoped the deer would be well enough to be released soon.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Tuesday, November 15, 2005

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