School run mums in Braintree will no longer be able to park outside their children's schools.

Move along - restrictions to be imposed at many Braintree schools will prevent parents stopping at the school gates when dropping off and collecting their children. Picture: SEANA HUGHES (45173-b)

Members of Braintree Council's Braintree Area Committee last night voted to grant planners permission to place School Keep Clear markings outside many Braintree schools.

Restrictions will be put in place outside Bocking Church Street Primary School in Church Street, Lyons Hall County Primary School in Deerleap Way, St Francis Catholic Primary School in Gilchrist Way, Great Bardfield Primary School and Notley Green Primary School in Blickling Road, Great Notley.

The markngs will prohibit parking from Monday to Friday between 8am and 9.30am and 2.30pm and 4pm and are designed to stop school-run parents congesting the areas outside schools.

Neighbours cited concerns over the impact of the restrictions on parking outside their homes, while parents from St Francis Catholic Primary School say many pupils live outside the area and need to be driven to school.

Residents and parents turned out in force to object or commend the plans at last night's meeting.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Wednesday, September 21, 2005

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