A resident has blocked off a pathway in protest against major development plans.

However, tempers flared when independent traders said the campaign could affect their businesses.

Richard McHale put up a barrier to object to the Co-op's development ideas for its Homemaker site in Kingsway, Dovercourt.

He fenced off a passage between the Co-op and an elderly people's home Alexandra House.

Charles Bull, who owns Homecraft in Kingsway, said the move would have a devastating effect on businesses, which needed use of the access.

He said: "It is no exaggeration to say that if this access way is blocked off, it will be the end of our business.

"We rely on that right of way for deliveries and for customers to pick up goods from the shop.

"We are already suffering from the Focus effect, with the large store at Parkeston. If this barrier stays, it will finish us off."

Mr McHale said: "I put up the barrier partly to establish an ownership and partly to help the Co-op change its mind.

"I really do feel for Mr Bull. I do worry about it, but if the Co-op gets to build what they want, I will lose £10,000 off my property value. I have to fight for that."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Thursday, September 1, 2005

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