A GRANDMOTHER fears children will catch Wiles disease and other nasty illnesses from rats which are overrunning a Southend park.

Janet Swift, of High Street, Great Wakering, was appalled by the number of rats she saw while walking, with grandchildren Molly, 2, and four months-old Lori, around the lake in Priory Park last week.

She claimed they were "too numerous to count" and warned the rodents could pass on all sorts of ailments to children who use the nearby play area.

A spokesman for Southend Council conceded there had been an increase in vermin sightings in many of the borough's parks - including Priory Park - in recent years.

She said: "This is down to a number of reasons such as the mild winters we have been experiencing. Visitors to the parks also leave bread lying around after they have fed the ducks which encourages rats."

* Full story in Wednesday's Echo