Climbing down all those chimneys can leave Santa's suit looking less than gleaming.

But soot-stained Santas in south Essex can come clean this Christmas - thanks to the generosity of a Canvey supermarket.

The island's Safeway is offering two free dry-cleans for many of Santa's stand-ins in the build up to the big day - giving the old man one thing less to worry about.

The suits are given top priority this week at the Northwick Road store, as final preparations mount for Christmas Day.

This is the second year the store's dry cleaning department has offered such an unusual seasonal service.

Tony Ryland, replenishment manager, said: "This is something we have advertised in the store for the past three weeks.

"We have already had several suits in. We will clean two suits per Santa, as long as they have the dry-cleaning symbol P on the label.

"Anyone can come along and bring their suits in, which will take about a day to clean."

All of which was music to the ears of Santa's helpers - who often get dirty when clambering down chimneys with the man himself.

One of Santa's helpers, Eddie Stacey, of Cedar Road, Canvey, said: "What a great idea!

"If all Santa's helpers bring their suits in they can be cleaned free. For Safeway to come forward and help, shows they care about Santa.

"My suit will be hung up in the wardrobe after Christmas, ready for next year. At least now it will go away nice and clean."

The cleaning offer runs until January 3.

Clean-up - Safeway's Paul Miles nips off with Eddie's suit


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