A pub landlord was kicked and punched as he tackled two burglars.

Paul Harbin, 40, came across the intruders as he went down into the cellar of the Leather Bottle pub in Shrub End Road, Colchester.

He spotted the two trying to break into the office and immediately tackled them.

A scuffle broke out and Mr Harbin cried for help but the 60 or so customers drinking upstairs in the bar did not hear him.

Eventually after Mr Harbin had been hit several times the youths fled with £100 towards Straight Road.

Mr Harbin, who has managed the pub for two years, said: "I went to the cellar to change a barrel and found two youths kicking in the office door.

"I grabbed hold of one of them but could not get the other. I was punched and kicked and we struggled for some minutes. I kept shouting hoping someone would hear. Eventually they ran off with some of the staff wages."

Mr Harbin suffered minor scratches and bruising but did not need hospital treatment.

He managed to keep hold of a black jacket and blue baseball cap worn by one of them.

He added: "All the customers were very sympathetic. But these burglars had some cheek, you normally hear of them breaking it to pubs after hours. They obviously thought we would be too busy in the bar to notice them."

The incident happened at 9.45pm on Friday. Both suspects were white men, aged 21 or 22, and 5ft 10ins tall.

One was slim, with mousy brown long hair. He was wearing a grey jumper, blue jeans and white trainers. The other was stocky with short brown hair.

Anyone with information should contact Colchester police on 01206 762212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

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