Latchkey kids may become a thing of the past in Castle Point if a Government-backed plan succeeds.

Council leisure director Steve Packham told committee members how the Kids Club Network could soon be setting up centres in the borough.

The national charity aims to promote and support school age childcare by providing a range of activities before and after school, while parents are at work.

He said: "The KCN has been in existence for 16 years and the Labour Government has acknowledged the need for high quality out-of-school care and is keen to promote out-of- school education.

''The New Opportunities Fund, the sixth good cause of the National Lottery, has included £220 million dedicated to out-of-school provision, with the intention of raising kids clubs from 4,000 to 20,000 by the year 2003."

Mr Packham said while parents were at work, children would have the chance to have a go at arts and crafts, sports, drama and music, do their homework or just relax in a secure and quiet environment.

He said there was a need for such clubs in the Castle Point area and he had met with local representatives of the network.

Two newly qualified teachers had already approached the network with the intention of setting up clubs in the borough - possibly in the Paddocks, the Jubilee building and any hall on the mainland.

Members approved setting up Kids Clubs in the borough and asked for as many locations as possible to be put forward.

Mr Packham said: "We're getting funding from the National Lottery so we will not even have to put our hands in our pockets."

Barry Dixie, Labour member for Canvey Central ward, said: "This is a brilliant idea.

"I only wish we had this sort of thing years ago when I was a boy."

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.