Braintree MP Alan Hurst is concerned that new rural policing plans will lead to cutbacks in manpower levels across the district.

He has written to Essex Police Chief Constable Geoffrey Markham querying policing figures released by the force when they unveiled the plans last week.

Under the plans, Braintree rural section will have just eight officers, despite having a larger population and similar size area as Dunmow which will have 24.

"I cannot see a relationship in the allocation of officers between population, acreage and manpower and asked for the chief constable's thinking behind the statistics," Mr Hurst said.

In a letter to the chief constable he said: "I have raised these questions as I would be surprised if representatives of parishes in my parliamentary division will not be concerned at some of the apparent discrepancies."

Further details on the plans, which include building a new police station in Shalford, will not be released until the results of a public consultation have been considered.

Meetings are being held about the proposals.

There will be one in Braintree Community Centre, Victoria Street on February 3 at 7.30pm, and for the Kelvedon area at The Institute, High Street, Kelvedon on February 25 at 8.30pm.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.