A price war raging between rival airlines at Stansted Airport is a major boost to passengers, a consumer watchdog said today.

Ryanair is already offering a "buy one seat get another free" deal on many of its flights and rival carrier Go is offering cut-price return flights.

Now rival airlines Sabena and Lufthansa have entered the fray by offering low-price deals of their own.

Consumers' Association spokesman Phil Evans said: "There are really three big things that have led to this.

"There has been a huge expansion in the capacity of low-cost airlines flying out of Stansted and with the slowdown in the economy fewer people are travelling.

"Also, we are in the off-peak season at the moment and the airlines just want to get bums on seats. This is definitely good news for the customer and it is a good time to pick up a bargain.

"I would not be surprised if these offers don't last until well into the summer."

Mr Evans' comments came as Belgian airline Sabena launched its Happy Hour service between Stansted and Brussels with a £120 business class return - tickets are normally £200 plus tax.

Tickets are valid for 14 days and the offer runs until March 31.

A Sabena spokesman said: "Anybody is welcome to book a seat, not just businessmen, and passengers receive all the business class facilities of a normal ticket."

New carriers hoping to corner some of the Stansted market also have bargains they hope will lure customers.

Lufthansa, the German national airline, started operating from Stansted last November and has been offering flights to Munich.

Until March 31 it is offering three daily economy class flights to Munich for under £79 return - tickets are normally £135.

Gudrun Gorner, press officer for Lufthansa UK and Ireland, said: "This is the first time we have flown out of Stansted and we wanted to highlight our new service.

"The ticket price includes the complete in-flight meal service with complimentary bar and we have had a very positive response."

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