Bosses at a popular rugby club have vowed a mystery firebug will not destroy their team spirit.

A blaze at Basildon Rugby Club left its bar gutted and put the changing rooms and showers out of action.

Up to hundred youngsters were left disappointed on Sunday when an early morning fire kicked into touch their chances of playing rugby.

But offers have already rolled in for the club to use sporting facilities at Kingswood Junior School and the Woodlands School for this week.

Club bosses were confident yesterday they will be able to use showers and changing rooms by next Saturday.

Chairman Barrie Reynolds said: "It's come at a bad time. This fire has not only hit the club but the community because of all the work we do teaching youngsters rugby. Hopefully, we will be up and running for business by next Saturday."

Club spokesman Dai Griffiths said: "It's all be ruined by some mindless thug. There were 100 kids who couldn't play yesterday because of the prat who did this.

"All the shirts and memorabilia have gone and it's quite a considerable blow. But we're a very community club and whoever did this won't stop us."

Fire investigators and detectives have been probing the blaze at the club's 25-year-old headquarters in Gardiners Lane.

Station officer Martin Powell of Basildon fire's white watch said: "We are treating this as a doubtful fire. A fire investigation team has been there along with officers from CID. We're looking at a number of fires starting in the premises.

"Inside the bar was completely gutted by fire and 100 per cent smoke damage. It basically looks like a bonfire had been burning inside but you can't see anything wrong outside."

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