A woman has condemned the 20-yard stretch of road outside her home as a treacherous accident blackspot after three cars ploughed into her front garden in one morning.

Andrea Richardson , who has lived in Bartholomew Green , Rayne, for 14 years, first voiced concerns four months ago after a car smashed into a vehicle parked in her drive and knocked over a 1,200-litre gas tank.

But nothing could prepare her for the scene that met her recently.

During the morning rush, within the space of two hours, ten accidents occurred outside her house.

Mrs Richardson said: "It was like a scene from Police, Camera, Action.

"It was a fiasco, there were cars going off the road all over the place."

As Mrs Richardson called the police to report one accident - a BMW had collided with a telegraph pole opposite her house - another two accidents occurred while she was on the phone.

A succession of three drivers ended up in her front garden, demolishing a fence, she said.

She has called for a 40mph speed limit to be imposed on the road and signs warning motorists of the hazards of a deceptive dip in the road.

"There is a spring that feeds the dip in the road, so it is constantly wet and when it is cold the road freezes," said Mrs Richardson.

"Motorists seem to be taken by surprise when they hit the dip and then aquaplane or skid off of the road.

"My son Elliot has to wait outside our house every morning for his school bus and I am really frightened that a car might come off the road and take him out.

"I take my life in my hands every time I try to come out of the drive."

District transportation manager Bill Rose said: "We are not yet aware of any concerns about the road.

"When we receive information about the problem the road will be inspected and investigated by our consultants and engineers.

"If there is a defect we would look for a possible solution."

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