About 20 Post Office staff face an uncertain future with the announcement of the closure of the Colchester branch of their department.

National Design Consultancy, the in-house building services engineering arm of the Post Office, is to close the Colchester branch of its operation.

About 20 people are affected by the closure of the operation based at Colne Bank House, St Peter's Street.

The closure is part of a national review of the operation and another centre in Birmingham is also facing closure.

A Post Office spokesman explained the review of the network of centres across the country had decided to concentrate the operation at four sites in London, Bristol, Leeds and Edinburgh, to provide national coverage while increasing efficiency and quality of service.

He added: "There are approximately 20 staff based in Colne Bank House, St Peter's Street, Colchester, and a variety of options are being considered to enable as many as possible to continue employment within the Post Office."

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