Itwas a case of third time lucky for the Conservative candidates standing in Canvey South.

The hotly-contested ward needed a trio of counts to determine which of the six candidates standing would get the two seats.

Two counts were held on election night with differing outcomes each time.

It was then decided to wait until 10.30am on Friday for another try, which meant a sleepless night for the nervous Labour, Tory and Green Party hopefuls.

John Reilly, Castle Point Council's election officer, said: "Because of tiredness, we decided it was better to wait until everybody was a bit fresher. We also took the opportunity to bring in some new staff."

The final result was announced at just before 11.30am - 14 and a half hours after polling finished the previous evening.

The result was:

Sylvia Waymark (CON) 598

Jeffrey Stanley (CON) 596

Lynne Fletcher (LAB) 592

Terry Norman (LAB) 590

Chris Keene (GRN) 62

Hollie Coley (GRN) 61

A handful of votes had meant the difference between the Tories gaining both seats and Labour holding the ward.

Councillors Sylvia Waymark and Jeffrey Stanley will now replace Labour's Terry Norman who had held one of the seats.

The other had previously been vacated by independent Nik Searle, himself a former Labour councillor.

The overall make-up of the council now stands at Labour 24 and Conservative 15.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.