Chelmsford's;s competitive season got off to a good start with a comfortable victory in the first round of the Shepherd Neame Essex League Cup over Old Southendians & Southchurch.

Asked to field on a good wicket, initially Chelmsford suffered an onslaught from the impressive opening pair Blackmore (23) and Bunce who had 56 on the board after 10 overs.

The introduction of Eddie Lawrence and Keith Goodman stemmed the flow of runs last Saturday and broke the partnership.

Goodman completed his nine over quota by conceding a miserly 13 runs, while Lawrence finished with two for 25.

After this Chris Cakebread (3-39), Phil Moffat (2-39), and Simon Evans (1-26) bowled well to ensure the target was a manageable 187.

Bunce made a well-crafted 90 for Old Southendian & Southchurch.

In reply, again Chelmsford seemed to be heading for trouble at 18 for two.

However, Martin Daniels made a solid 41 to steady the ship in combination with the imperious Tom Iliffe (79 n.o).

On Daniels' dismissal, skipper Neil Fergus (45 n.o.) entered to show a welcome return to form, by ensuring no more wickets were lost and leading Chelmsford home with 10 overs to spare.

At the other end of the scale, Chelmsford's future first team cricketers were getting their first action of the summer at the inaugural Felsted School U-11 festival played last Sunday and Monday.

The weather was kind and two days of cricket was enjoyed in beautiful surroundings.

The boys performed with credit, and won three of their four matches.

More importantly is the valuable experience the boys have gained from playing in the festival and thanks were extended to Felsted School for the organisation and smooth running of the event.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.