She may be just seven, but Danielle Taylor is already being touted as a future star.

The Dovercourt schoolgirl impressed so much in her first-ever competition that she has been selected for the East Region squad and has been invited into the British club development plan.

Representing her Ipswich-based club, Danielle finished in the top three in her first event - just eight months after taking up the sport.

Now she goes forward to the represent the East in Hemel Hempstead next weekend. If she finishes in the top six there, she will earn a place in the national squad.

Proud mum Maxine said: "She only took it up after her sports teacher said 'she's so talented at gymnastics'. She will go on to great things if it kills me."

Danielle, who attends All Saints Primary School, has to train up to 18 hours a week in Ipswich, and that proves a costly exercise from her Parkeston Road home.

Maxine is therefore looking for sponsors. Anyone who can help can contact her on 01255 240100.

Danielle Taylor - touted to be a star of the future.


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