A stroke victim whose family is battling to have him treated near Colchester could be offered a home in the area.

About two and a half years ago Carl Holmes, now 25, had a stroke while weightlifting at his cousin's home.

He is now on a ventilator, registered blind and needs two full-time carers 24 hours a day.

Mr Holmes, a former Sir Charles Lucas pupil who lived at Tippett Close, Colchester, is currently receiving specialist care in Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

But his stepfather Martin Buxton and mother Doreen have been trying to obtain a home for him near Colchester, backed with a full care package.

And on Thursday Mr Buxton confirmed a home in the Colchester area had been in touch.

"Obviously it is early days yet," he said. "We have visited the place and Carl seems quite keen but there are a number of things we need to look at regarding the details of the care package he will receive, his social needs and funding.

"Certainly it is more hopeful and I hope things can be arranged fairly quickly. At the moment Carl is in hospital just wasting away."

Negotiations are now ongoing between Mr Holmes and his parents, the home and Essex Rivers Healthcare Trust.

Mr Buxton hopes Colchester MP Bob Russell will attend a meeting due to be held shortly to give the family support.

The Trust has described Mr Holmes' case as "extremely tragic, unusual and complicated" but said the Health authority was prepared to pay for whatever care was appropriate.

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