A major new initiative is to be launched in a bid to crackdown on violence and drugs in Clacton town centre.

Eight pubs and clubs in the resort are joining forces via two-way radio in a pioneering initiative called Publink in an effort to make it safer for those using and working in the premises.

And drinkers who break the rules face the prospect of a life ban from all member establishments.

Publink - which has the backing of Essex Police and Tendring Council - will begin on May 27.

Already signed up to the scheme are Rumours, Tom Peppers and Fibbers, the Rocking Horse, the Moon and Starfish, Carlton Hotel, the Crab and Pumpkin, Oscars and the Cockney Pride.

Tendring Council's CCTV facilities will also be used to support the project.

Publink has been up and running in Colchester for two years and has resulted in a number of troublemakers being highlighted.

Landlords are pleased with the united front Publink provides.

Meetings have taken place between the pubs and clubs in Clacton, which have laid down the following rules:

violence towards members of staff will result in a life ban from all member establishments

anyone caught dealing or supplying drugs will receive a life ban from all premises in Publink

any violence between customers while on the premises of Publink members may result in a life ban.

A spokesman for Publink said: "This is a positive community-minded approach intended to make the town centre safer for the people living here and holidaymakers alike.

"The majority of people want to go out for an enjoyable time and it is the minority intent on spoiling it for others that we intend to clampdown on."

All premises involved in Publink will be in touch through radio communications, which means if a troublesome individual or group is thrown out of one pub or club all others in the scheme can be easily notified and will refuse them entry.

The spokesman added they hoped the initiative would act as a deterrent to stop trouble before it starts.

PC Debbie Simpson, Clacton town beat officer, said police were fully behind the move.

"All violence and drug-related incidents will be reported to the police with the intention of prosecuting offenders," she added.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.