Vange is set to frolic, Forties style!

The countdown to the second village fayre was launched at the weekend at the Barge pub in the High Street.

It will be staged on June 6, the anniversary of D-day, so revellers are being invited to dress in Forties outfits. Our picture shows members of the Choo Choo club who will be holding a Forties fashion show in the main arena.

Adding a pinch of spice will be the Glamour Girls pram race team of Jayne Fisher and her Ann Summers Ladies.

To enter the pet show contact Michelle Wynn on 01268 476045 while pram racers should get in touch with Barge landlady Geraldine Evans on 01268 552212.

Wartime racers - the Choo Choo club launch preparations for Vange's fayre


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