The look of love says it all.

Yesterday fire victims Mike Hambling and Caro Moore were married - less than a week after watching their home, the historic Bell Hotel, burn down before their eyes.

The couple lost everything in the blaze. Everything, that is, but the wedding ring.

It was found by a tired fireman rummaging through the burnt-out remains of the hotel in Thorpe-le-Soken High Street.

The new Mrs Hambling said: "We were standing there amongst all the charred remains - everything we had was in the flat.

"We told the fireman where the ring was and he carefully went through the remains. He came back with what looked like a lump of coal and inside was the ring - it had to be an omen."

The fire on Wednesday night ripped through the listed building, the oldest in the village, and nearby verger's cottage.

But from the ashes came hope and today Mike and Caro were married at Colchester Register Office.

Mike said: "We were close before but we are even closer now after what has happened to us.

"Caro is a truly amazing woman and I just can't explain how much I feel for her. She has been wonderful."

Caro's dress was also destroyed in the blaze but Xclusives in Old Road, Frinton, made another one for the occasion.

A small reception was held for close family at the Stour Bay Cafe, Manningtree, yesterday and the couple hope to escape for a few days before coming back to resurrect the Bell.

The only part of the celebrations which have been postponed is a party due to be held at the Bell on Sunday.

"Once we are back in business we will have the party of all parties to make up for it," said Caro.

The couple praised villagers who had helped them back on to their feet.

"There are so many people to thank. It certainly makes you realise there are more important things in the world than possessions," she said.

"We would not be functioning now without all the help we have received."

The couple hope the Bell can be rebuilt in six months to a year and until then they are looking into trading from premises opposite the Bell, while living in a mobile home on the site in High Street.

Happiness - Mike and Caro today


Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.