Southend's mayor is to try his hand at wingwalking - balancing on the top of a bi-plane.

But daredevil councillor Tony North has chosen to undertake the feat not in his home town, but round the coastline in Clacton.

He will be joined by Julia Amess, wife of David, the MP for Southend West.

The brave duo will join the St Ivel Utterly Butterly Display team at the Clacton Airshow this Thursday.

They were inspired to have a go after seeing the squad perform at the Southend Airshow earlier this year.

Both are being sponsored to raise cash for Mr North's two chosen charities during his year in office - the Southend Toy Library for Disabled Children and the Southend Centre for the Royal Association of the Deaf.

Mr Amess said: "I think they are both incredibly brave. I am happy to say I will be away on parliamentary business at the time so there is no question of me joining them, but of course they have my full support and full admiration."

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