A knife-wielding drunk terrorised an off-licence assistant in his quest for free beer before escaping with nothing on Saturday night.

He produced the knife from his camouflage trousers after the assistant refused his request for credit at Whitchurch Wines, Whitchurch Road, Harold Hill at 8pm.

His knife threats came after shouting failed to produce the response he desired and then, when he was still ignored, he thrust the weapon at a crate of beers puncturing two cans of lager.

Police were called as the alarm went off. The suspect then ran off to his Ford pick-up truck, which was parked outside, and drove away towards Dagnam Park Drive.

He was described as white with short fair hair, 5ft 9in tall and in his early 30s.

Witnesses should ring 01708 779241 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.