Suspected arsonists caused thousands of pounds of damage to a hotel and two cars today.

It is believed the firestarters set light to a car in Marine Parade East, Clacton, in the early hours of the morning.

Fire spread to another car and on to the Grand Hotel.

Severe damage was done to the front of the east wing of the hotel by the blaze at about 2am today.

The first car targeted by the arsonists, believed to be a Honda Accord, was completely burnt out in the fire, which also caused damage to a nearby Ford Focus.

The silver Ford was badly scorched and its bodywork was melted in several places. A large hedge next to the hotel was also completely destroyed.

Paintwork and double-glazed windows on all three floors of the hotel were also badly discoloured.

The management of the hotel today said they did not want to talk about the attack but believed arsonists were responsible.

Two fire crews from Clacton used foam to put out the blaze, which they confirmed was of doubtful origin.

Police were also called to the hotel and are investigating the fire.

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