Furious Colin Campbell armed himself with two pool balls in a sock when he went hunting a man who had threatened his mother.

But he never had the chance to gain revenge because police saw him acting suspiciously in Long Riding, Basildon.

The officers said the balls and sock were in Campbell's back pocket and he was arrested and charged with having an offensive weapon.

He pleaded guilty and was ordered by Basildon magistrates to work 100 hours of community service. He must also pay £55 court costs.

Campbell, 33, told officers he had the pool balls and sock "for my own protection".

However, his solicitor Mark Pearson said Campbell, who lived in Basildon for about eight years, returned when his mother was being threatened by a man.

He had heard "horror stories" about what the man was capable of and she had already received nasty phone calls. Campbell now lives in Eastbourne, Sussex.

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